Is Technology Good For Early Childhood Education?

As parents, we all fight with our kids because they are engrossed in a video game or movie on their iPad, tablet or smartphone. We're more likely to notice Tom Cruise on the red carpet than our kids. Today, it's common for two-year-old's to use iPads, elementary school kids love to play video games, and we've all faced (or endured) the challenge of keeping your middle schooler away from the computer for a nice meal. do … Technology is everywhere, and its appeal to children is obvious, but can technology help our children learn? Technology is becoming more social, adaptive, and customizable, so it can be a great teaching tool. That said, as parents, we need to set boundaries. Today, software connects kids to online learning communities, tracks kids' progress through lessons and games, and customizes each student's experience. By the time your child starts elementary school, he will likely be tech savvy. Learning technology in school Schools are investing more and...